We’ve been given a Raclette grill as a wedding gift, its brilliant !


Some good friends of ours bought us a really great wedding gift, a Raclette party grill. I’ve never seen or heard of Raclette grills before, but apparently they are a Swiss tradition for enjoying food with friends.

The idea is that you purchase Raclette cheese to melt, although you can use any cheese in reality. You place the grill in the centre of the table (with plenty of wine!) and prepare veg and meat items to cook on the hot plate. You can cook strips of steak, small pieces of chicken or port, fish, prawns, etc, as well as vegetables such as mushrooms, peppers, onions, and garlic. One your food is cooked, you pour over melted cheese which you melt in a little tray under the grill. You can serve with potatoes, salad, or anything you fancy.

We tried this briefly at the weekend and it was good fun. I could image with 4- 6 people around a table this could be really interesting, and quite social. Food can be marinated or flavoured in any way you wish, as it is all quite healthy as there is no oil required.

I think this would be good fun to take to the caravan too, as we have a table and chairs in the awning, so sitting around the grill on a summer evening would a novel way of eating, so long as the grill doesn’t trip the site electric hookup !

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