iPhone 4 released today

Today is the day the Apple iPhone 4 has been released around the world. I have decided to stay away from the queues and craziness and will most likely upgrade by getting a contract phone. I love my iPhone, but I wasn’t swayed by the “interim” release which was the 3GS, I honestly feel the experience on my 3G was almost exactly the same and upgrading was not worthwhile. Now the iPhone 4 has arrived things have changed, it is a fairly large step forward in terms of power and features, as well as styling.

Obsolescence in iPhone is very low, so I can still do well selling my trusty 3G on eBay as it is officially unlocked by O2 here in the UK. I will almost certainly be getting my iPhone 4 on the three network as they have fantastic 3G coverage.  I am only interested in major releases so I’m confident the iPhone 4 will last me for at least 2 years, which is the length of the three contracts. Apple may release an interim update again next year, but I will probably be happy to step over this and wait for another major refresh again.

I will only pay £99 up front the handset, and £30 per month for 500 minutes, and effectively unlimited SMS, three-three calls and data. This will be £15 more per month than I pay now, but I dont have to pay the extra £400 for the handset up – front.